Kesimpulan rangkain arduino
Kesimpulan rangkain arduino

The test results show the difference in output voltage which is reduced at a 30 watt load. The observations show a frequency value that is almost the same as the constant. Measurement of the output frequency is done by reading the image on the osciloscope. To get the inverter efficiency, the type of MOSFET used is chosen to have the type that has a low RDS (on) value and the right driving pulse, according to the switch configuration. There are 5 frequency variations, namely 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Hz. Determination of the output frequency is set through a rotary encoder that can be adjusted up (increment) or down (decrement). Step transformer as a load while step-up the inverter output voltage.

kesimpulan rangkain arduino

The power part of the SPWM inverter is the N channel MOSFET bridge circuit H with IR2110 solid state driver. The number of counts (resolutions) of the SPWM signal and the period are set from the amount in the register, can be set to 8 bits or other constants. Unipolar SPWM signal generation is done by a microcontroller with programming. The ac output signal is a sinosoidal PWM (SPWM) type of unipolar 220 volts from the input 24 volt dc voltage.

kesimpulan rangkain arduino

Inverter work is done by ac rectification first and then converted again to a 1 phase ac signal. The test results show that the initial motor moves when the set value of PWM = 45, PWM voltage = 0.83 V, right motor voltage = 1.53 V, and left motor = 1.75 V.Ĭhanging the dc sgnal to ac signal is done for te purpose of load regulations, such as the ac motor speed, heater and lamp. This experiment was carried out by setting the pwm value from 15 to 255 to determine the difference in the increase in the PWM output voltage and determine the voltage on the motor and determine the condition of the DC motor. Then measurements were made on the right and left side of the motor.

kesimpulan rangkain arduino

Testing on this Arduino-bas, ed DC motor was done with several experiments, by adjust the motor speed by setting the pwm value in the program listing section then measuring the pwm output on pin 9 of the Arduino Uno board. This research has several stages, namely literature study, arduino-based dc motor design, Arduino-based dc motor production, Arduino-based dc motor testing, then analysis of research results and conclusions are drawn. In this research, a DC motor tested using the L298 motor driver which is controlled by Arduino as the motor speed regulator and using the PWM method as a speed control signal generator for the DC motor.

Kesimpulan rangkain arduino